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Derivation and meaning  
Velossal combines the speed of velocity with the size of colossal. It’s a portmanteau, a word that combines the sounds and meanings of two words by connecting the beginning of one to the end of the other, as in motel (motor-hotel) and smog (smoke-fog). This quality makes Velossal highly memorable and natural to say. The physics association of velocity (rate of change of position with respect to time or speed in a specific direction) suggests precision and measurement as well as speed, while colossal signals grandness and importance as well as immensity. (Colossus is the Greek for “giant statue” and was originally used to describe the enormous statues of gods and pharaohs in Egypt.) The initial V helps Velossal stand out, given that relatively few English words begin with that letter.

Values and attributes  
Enormous, immensity, vast, size, giant, gigantic, great, grandeur, important, crucial, velocity, speed, faster, rapid response, vector, strong, serious, powerful, concrete, precise

Dot-com is the gold standard
Like all company names in the Accelerator, this name is available as an exact .com domain.

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Velossal’s combined meanings suggest a brand that can handle enormous volume with alacrity. For technology brands, that could mean analytics of big data (financial, sales, healthcare, and more) or data center management. That volume in the physical world could mean fleets of trucks, vast amounts of cargo, or products that are colossal themselves, such as ships, aircraft, or construction equipment. Velossal is a very powerful name for any brand that moves fast to meet customer needs.

Design and imagery
Designers can emphasize the size of Velossal with large, blocky fonts and its speed with italics or forward-sweeping graphics. The ideas of importance and grandeur can be expressed with sophisticated colors or elegant script. This name offers great potential for abstract imagery that underscores the preferred messages.

Consider this domain in context
Bring this name to life by hearing what it sounds like in different real-world situations.

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Your first step is to let us know of your interest. Please fill out our contact form and wait for our response, which is typically 24-48 hours.


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