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Derivation and meaning  
Vusebox blends the illumination and perspective of views with the control of energy of fuse box. The plural views suggests range of vision, broad understanding, and multiple points of view. Historically, the fuse box is the location of a building’s fuses, devices that ensure electrical safety by melting before the system overloads. Now that fuses are no longer standard, many people use the term fuse box for the circuit breaker box, the main distribution point for a building’s electricity and the locus of control for power in each room. The spelling of Vusebox emphasizes fuse, which broadens the connotations to that word’s other meanings—“a cord for igniting an explosive” and “to melt together”—suggesting detonation and integration or consolidation. Box implies a location or set of tools. The name’s smooth opening and tech-sounding x could suggest seamless technology. The unexpected initial V helps Vusebox stand out, particularly given that relatively few English words begin with that letter.

Values and attributes  
Energy, power, electricity, supply, control, manage, coordinate, fuse, integrate, blend, merge, melt, perspective, points of view, social media, journalism, report, speak, voice, tool, ignite, explosive, smooth, strong

Dot-com is the gold standard
Like all company names in the Accelerator, this name is available as an exact .com domain.

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Vusebox enables customers to safely manage their power. It efficiently coordinates multiple perspectives and integrates understanding. The idea of electricity suggests not just power, but power flowing continuously, making this name a great fit for brands that provide ongoing energy control, in the literal or metaphorical sense (powering media, for example). As a center of power, this brand can work in the B2B or B2C spaces and for a variety of industries.

Design and imagery
Vusebox is all about energy, which can be expressed through warm, bold colors and kinetic forms. A fairly literal rendering might feature letters merging together or rectangular shapes to indicate a box. Evocative graphics for this name are as unlimited as the designer’s imagination.

Consider this domain in context
Bring this name to life by hearing what it sounds like in different real-world situations.

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