This domain is for sale for $20,000.00

Derivation and meaning
BoldLeap is a compound name that recalls first steps, monumental leaps, and bold ventures.  A combination of bold, which can be a noun (“Fortune favors the bold”) as well as adjective, and the action verb leap, BoldLeap recalls boldly (as in Star Trek’s “to boldly go where no one has gone before”) as well as the words of Neil Armstrong as he took the first steps on the moon: “One small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind.” Both of these references suggest fearless exploration and curiosity as well as innovation.

Values and attributes
Daring, intrepid, heroic, courageous, audacious, fearless, undaunted, gutsy, fiery, edgy, modern, trendsetter, pioneer, avant-garde, advance, promote, innovate, breakthrough, out front, forward, exploration, leap, spring, jump, exude, exuberant, energetic, lively, vibrant, animated, active 

Dot-com is the gold standard
Like all company names in the Accelerator, this name is available as an exact .com domain.

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BoldLeap suggests a daring, courageous, edgy, modern company, one that is set on making advancements—vaulting, jumping, or springing to the next big thing. BoldLeap is undeniably consumer-friendly—ebullient, optimistic, and full of life. If your company is taking your industry to new and unprecedented heights, BoldLeap could prove a distinctive and memorable brand.

Design and imagery
Though full of energy and vitality, BoldLeap is also an unusually clear and uncomplicated name. It is this clarity that will allow designers to push bounds when it comes to logo work and accompanying visuals—giving them the blank canvas they need to explore both new motifs and more abstract concepts. 

Consider this domain in context
Bring this name to life by hearing what it sounds like in different real-world situations.

Contact us

Your first step is to let us know of your interest. Please fill out our contact form and wait for our response, which is typically 24-48 hours.


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