This domain is for sale for $18,500.00

Derivation and meaning  
As a near homophone of metallics (meaning metallic substances), Medalics is the type of coinage every company wants: it sounds like a real English word and, as a result, is memorable and pleasing to the ear. Metallics ties the name to power and durability, and the -ics ending links it to science (physics, economics, therapeutics). But Medalics is rooted in many words: medical, medal, metallics, and even italics—with medical and medal carrying the most weight. Medalics clearly suggests the medical field, with the name a near anagram for that word, while medal adds the idea of recognition for excellence or achievement. 

Values and attributes  
Medical, healthcare, medication, cure, therapeutic, restore, heal, alleviate, pharmaceutical, honorable, excellence, achievement, respectable, commendable, meritorious, prize, reward, strong, tough, muscular, unbending, unbreakable, durable, resilient, metallic 

Dot-com is the gold standard
Like all company names in the Accelerator, this name is available as an exact .com domain.

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While medical squarely positions this brand in healthcare, medal qualifies it as one that is honorable, noteworthy, and deserving of praise. If your company seeks to shake up the healthcare industry in an enduring and honorable manner and with a dedication to excellence, Medalics is a great fit. 

Design and imagery
Medalics is a name with incredible measure—its consonant ascenders live in clear rhythm with its rounded vowels. Designers will appreciate this aspect, as well as its -alics ending, which feels like a graceful uptick, notable flourish, or highly elegant piece deserving of embellishment. 

Consider this domain in context
Bring this name to life by hearing what it sounds like in different real-world situations.

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Your first step is to let us know of your interest. Please fill out our contact form and wait for our response, which is typically 24-48 hours.


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