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Derivation and meaning  
Multeum is a coinage based on the combining form multi-, suggesting profusion, abundance, assembly, or aggregation. The name’s -eum ending is a homonym for the ending –ium, used to form the names of chemical elements (as in lithium, helium, sodium). This construction lends the name a scientific, innovative, and elemental sound. The name also recalls museum, which connotes education, preservation, and a curated precious collection.

Values and attributes  
Multitude, mass, abundance, multiplicity, profusion, aggregation, collect, assemble, gather, variety, array, assortment, variation, diversity, medley, complexity, intricacy, technical, innovative, scientific, discovery, chemical, elemental, fundamental, essence, museum, curate, preserve, durable, eternal, strong

Dot-com is the gold standard
Like all company names in the Accelerator, this name is available as an exact .com domain.

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Multeum suggests multiplicity and profusion, aggregation or gathering. It also expresses  the precision and intelligence of science, discovery, invention, and innovation as well as the eternality, essentiality, and reliability of chemical elements. Multeum is a versatile name that emphasizes the sheer weight, durability, and diversity of work well suited to a large, fast-moving company with hands in a number of ventures. 

Design and imagery
Multeum is an incredibly balanced word with mirroring “u”s and no descenders. As with its meaning, its varied structure lends itself to imagery tied to fractals, facets, and variance, while its solidness can be used to underline size, aggregation, or eternality. 

Consider this domain in context
Bring this name to life by hearing what it sounds like in different real-world situations.

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