This domain is for sale for $22,500.00

Derivation and meaning  
Querian is derived from the word query, which is both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it means “a question, especially one addressed to an official or organization.” As a verb, it means “to ask something, especially in order to check the validity or accuracy of the subject at hand.” The suffix -ian, in addition to creating the coinage, makes Querian an adjective suggesting that the brand inspires the quest for knowledge. That versatile suffix also makes the word a noun, where a Querian is someone who asks questions (as in musician, someone who makes music) or someone who believes in questioning conventional thought (as in humanitarian, someone who believes in helping humanity).

Values and attributes  
Curious, truth-seeking, determined, ensuring quality or accuracy, intelligent, rigorous, thoughtful, responsible, dedicated to doing the right thing from a knowledgeable point of view

Dot-com is the gold standard
Like all company names in the Accelerator, this name is available as an exact .com domain.

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Querian, apart from delivering the ideas of query and inquiry, suggests a curious nature, one that never stops questioning and learning. It also possesses an elevated tone that would benefit any company in the position of oversight or quality control (QC).

Design and imagery
The letter “Q” is a good place to begin, if only due to its unique shape. The letter also provides a useful link to quality or quality assurance, one that can be made evident with a quality-themed tagline lockup. Other than a logotype approach, complementary imagery could include the question mark, or elements that denote intellect, insight, or direction.

Consider this domain in context
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