Derivation and meaning
Roamio is derived from the word roam, which means “to move about a large area, sometimes with no destination in mind.” When you roam, you are a wanderer who embraces the world and serendipity. Roam is also a cell phone term for “continued data service outside your mobile operator’s coverage area.” The ability to roam keeps you in touch. When you add -io, the name recalls Romeo, the passionate young man of Shakespeare’s tragedy, suggesting the energy of youth and the thrill of new experiences.
Values and attributes
Travel, mobile, distances, new places, sights and sounds, wanderlust, adventure, serendipity, freedom, carefree, stagecraft, literature, style and panache, romance, love, passion, connection, youth, joie de vivre
Dot-com is the gold standard
Like all company names in the Accelerator, this name is available as an exact .com domain.
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Roamio suggests traveling far and wide, in a free-spirited manner where the journey is the reward. This isn’t stressful travel; it speaks to a less complicated, more joyful experience. The Shakespeare reference lends the exuberance of adolescence and a romantic notion to the journey, either as nostalgia or matchmaking. It’s a great fit for brands in mobile technology, travel, hospitality & leisure, and transportation.
Design and imagery
The name lends itself to both strong and light-hearted logo and design treatments. The typestyle can go from being tech-driven and futuristic to archaic and ripped from the headlines of Ye Olde Globe Theatre Tribune. Which is to say, Roamio has range. Design-wise, the paired “o”s can resemble wheels, while the Francophile might appreciate the friendly “ami” between them.
Consider this domain in context
Bring this name to life by hearing what it sounds like in different real-world situations.
Contact us
Your first step is to let us know of your interest. Please fill out our contact form and wait for our response, which is typically 24-48 hours.