Derivation and meaning
Sorcent is a blend of source and sorcery. The suffix -ent suggests having a quality (as in efficient, persistent) or one who causes or does an action (as in agent, student). The name slightly recalls sent and cent, which could suggest transportation, data delivery, or finance. The name has a natural flow, rolling off the tongue in soft syllables. Referring to an unknown source in a mystic way, there is an earthy pagan edge, yet it retains a solid, nurturing quality as the source of something good that is sent our way.
Values and attributes
Sourcing, near-magical ability, sending or transportation, predictive, find, discover, deliver, effective, resourceful, intelligent, dependable, technologically advanced, practical yet transcendent
Dot-com is the gold standard
Like all company names in the Accelerator, this name is available as an exact .com domain.
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Sorcent suggests an almost otherworldly ability to source, track down, procure, materialize or otherwise produce things we can’t do without. Sorcent is an apt name for a diligent and resourceful company that gets the job done with a practical magic (its innovative technology?). This brand knows what’s important and delivers it where it needs to be.
Design and imagery
This name lends itself to design treatments that range from cloaked mystery to the steely sleekness of advanced technology, the magic of our day. The archaic version could reference constellations, planetary bodies, or other natural phenomena that inspire us; the tech version might wear the mantle of big data with numerical or AI references.
Consider this domain in context
Bring this name to life by hearing what it sounds like in different real-world situations.
Contact us
Your first step is to let us know of your interest. Please fill out our contact form and wait for our response, which is typically 24-48 hours.