Derivation and meaning
Sustainium is a coinage combining sustain and the suffix -ium, an ending common to chemical elements, which makes this name sound like an actual chemical element, one that supports, maintains, and nourishes. The name recalls the element titanium, suggesting strength and durability. The rhyme with that well-known element makes the name easy to say and remember. The repeated “s” sounds at the front of the name gives it smoothness and flow, and the closing “m” provides resonance and definition.
Values and attributes
Sustain, support, maintain, nourishing, elemental, strong, steely, tough, resilient, endure, forever, committed, important, bold, smooth, shiny, scientific, smart
Dot-com is the gold standard
Like all company names in the Accelerator, this name is available as an exact .com domain.
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Sustainium clearly communicates elemental strength. It’s a great fit for rock-solid brands whose customers can rely on their fortitude and support. Although the name has broad range, from finance and insurance to auto care and health, it’s especially well suited to companies in the sustainability sector. Sustainium telegraphs gravitas as well as scientific intelligence, important qualities for brands in environmental tech.
Design and imagery
With its elemental sound, the design approach could have either a serious scientific image or take a playful pass at reflecting the periodic table or chemistry formulas or notation. The name could also wear a metallic look or actually use foil-stamp printing given the strength of both sustain and -ium.
Consider this domain in context
Bring this name to life by hearing what it sounds like in different real-world situations.
Contact us
Your first step is to let us know of your interest. Please fill out our contact form and wait for our response, which is typically 24-48 hours.