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Derivation and meaning  
Tripetal combines the word trip, which connotes all things travel related, with centripetal, which means “moving toward the center.” Centripetal forcewhat keeps the Earth orbiting the Sunnot only connotes science and precision but inevitability and reliability. Meanwhile, et al. is a common abbreviation that means “and others” (from the Latin et alia), which suggests teamwork or serving every customer. Combine these with the “p” of trip and you find petal, the delicate and colorful segments of a flower. Petal is effectively a homonym of pedal, underscoring the notion of travel and movement in the name. The prefix tri- could be used to indicate a group of three, either offerings or organizational parts. The consonant-vowel-consonant construction means the name will be easy for global audiences to spell and pronounce.

Values and attributes  
Travel, experience, journey, field, path, progress, movement, transmission, color, beauty, flower, movement, three, center, moving as a group, converge, orbit, force, activate, dynamic

Dot-com is the gold standard
Like all company names in the Accelerator, this name is available as an exact .com domain.

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Tripetal suggests travel, perhaps as a means to broaden one’s life experience, bringing more color and variety. It can also signal finding the center, whether that’s transmitting field data to your hub or taking a spirit journey to your true self. Centripetal, tri-, trip, petal, pedal: put these elements all together, and you get a highly versatile name for any brand that steadies its customers on their journey. Tripetal is an evocative and highly flexible name that fits brands in travel or transportation, beauty (perhaps cosmetics derived from three types of flowers), the healthcare path, or data transmission.

Design and imagery
The name Tripetal can be taken in different directions visually because of the broad spectrum of possible brand applications. A typeface that connotes travel documents such as tickets or passports would signal tourism and transportation. A typeface delicate as a flower petal supports a beauty brand. The motion up and to the right from the single descender to the two ascenders suggests the ascent of taking off, which could be reinforced graphically with a bird or wings.

Consider this domain in context
Bring this name to life by hearing what it sounds like in different real-world situations.

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