This domain is for sale for $20,000.00

Derivation and meaning  
Vastery combines the boundlessness of vast with the authority of mastery and the noun-making suffix -ery. Vast is a poetic word, much more lyrical than big or large, which gives Vastery a sophisticated, classic tone. This tone is reinforced by the somewhat antiquated -ery, which makes words into nouns with several different meanings, including the “place of” (bakery), the “art, craft, or practice of” (archery), “behavior characteristic of” (bravery), or a “collection of” (finery). Mastery suggests command, supremacy, and expertise (mastery of a skill). The name’s similarity to this common word makes it easy to say and remember. Vastery subtly recalls vaster and faster, implying speed and comparatively more (-er is the comparative suffix).

Values and attributes  
Vast, extensive, unlimited, broad, wider, tremendous, big data, data analytics, greater, more, mastery, accomplishment, command, authority, faster, rapid, accelerate, work harder, save time, classic, sophisticated

Dot-com is the gold standard
Like all company names in the Accelerator, this name is available as an exact .com domain.

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Vastery communicates a command of extensive skills or spheres of knowledge. The name is a powerful choice for brands that deftly manage large quantities of data. This brand has the precision and skill to analyze big data and make authoritative recommendations. The -ery suffix could suggest a location, perhaps an information clearing house or a data center. Vastery is accomplished, moves faster, and works harder than the competition. This name works especially well for brands in pure technology but could also fit healthcare tech, fintech, and other sectors that use technology to comprehensively serve their customers.

Design and imagery
A graphical treatment for Vastery could use abstract representations of vast quantity. A type treatment might emphasize authority with bold colors and a block font or speed with italics. The design options for this strong name are, indeed, vast.

Consider this domain in context
Bring this name to life by hearing what it sounds like in different real-world situations.

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