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Derivation and meaning  
Wiseprise is a compound that marries the intelligence and experience of wise with the expansive industry of enterprise and the notification of apprise. Enterprise brings to mind large-scale business ventures and, more generally, purposeful endeavor and a willingness to undertake new projects, suggesting innovation. Wiseprise subtly recalls wise prize, suggesting reward for sensible achievement, wise surprise, which connotes a pleasing but unexpected gift, and wise apprise, implying astute communication and information. As a twist on wise guys, Wiseprise balances its serious tone with a playful wink. The familiarity of that phrase as well as the name’s rhyme and rhythm make it highly memorable.

Values and attributes  
Wise, intelligence, counsel, advisor, guide, mentor, prudent, judicious, sensible, astute, knowledgeable, experienced, enterprise, business, apprise, inform, notify, awareness, success, achieve, innovate

Dot-com is the gold standard
Like all company names in the Accelerator, this name is available as an exact .com domain.

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We all aspire to wisdom, to turn what we’ve learned through years of trial and error into prudent judgement and sage counsel. Wiseprise declares this brand has done it, at the enterprise level. And wise enterprise is successful enterprise. The brand with this name has earned some bragging rights but remains approachable and down to earth, as expressed by the name’s playful undertone. Wiseprise is a wise choice for any brand that innovatively advises and informs to help its customers prosper.

Design and imagery
Wiseprise is quite balanced to the ear because of its rhyme but also to the eye, with the repeated ise. To emphasize wisdom, the first half of the name could be stacked above the second in a square wordmark. A heavy palette would underscore the brand’s serious chops. A lighter one its approachability.

Consider this domain in context
Bring this name to life by hearing what it sounds like in different real-world situations.

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Your first step is to let us know of your interest. Please fill out our contact form and wait for our response, which is typically 24-48 hours.


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